Friday, December 01, 2023

Kissinger, Pelosi, and the Red Chinese

Kissinger was a lot of things, but greedy.  And he didn't let morals get in the way of his cash flow.

...The work of Kissinger Associates included opening doors for foreign clients, but his most important and lucrative role was cutting through government regulations in Beijing. To do business in China, for example, you needed government endorsement and approval. As one Indian scholar allows, for Kissinger, this “often involved making a few well-placed phone calls to friends in top government positions.”

At the same time, Kissinger was a widely cited spokesman and commentator on foreign affairs, appearing on network television, in America’s leading newspapers, and of course in America’s bookstores. Kissinger seemed to ride these two horses at once until the tragic events of June 1989 put him in an awkward position. That was when the People’s Liberation Army marched into Tiananmen Square. The conflict resulted in the deaths of thousands of peaceful protestors. As events unfolded, Kissinger went on ABC News, where anchor Peter Jennings asked him: “What should America do?” Kissinger was calm and noted that we needed to maintain close relations and “I wouldn’t do any sanctions.” ABC News was paying him $100,000 a year at the time to provide insight and commentary on world events. In his newspaper columns, Kissinger took the same line, explaining that while he was “shocked by the brutality” of what had happened, we needed to view it as “an internal matter.”...

He said that 'no government in the world would tolerate lengthy demonstrations in their capital city.'

A few decades later, Nancy Pelosi would engineer demonstrations in the capital city, causing the deaths of three US citizens (one was flat-out murdered) and subsequent manhunts, monkey-trials, and imprisonments for hundreds more.

Kissinger initiated the offshoring to Red China that cost Americans millions of  jobs.  But he got his, and you will take the hindmost--and will like it.

Same game.  And by the way, Nancy and her husband have gotten VERY wealthy with Red China's assistance.  What did Red China get in exchange from Nancy?

See a pattern here? 

Kissinger and Pelosi are both greedy bastards; they both used Red China (and Red China used them), and made damn sure that protesters would be punished.

Sic semper tyrannis!

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