Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Coming Soon to WI Choice Schools

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has been turned over to four notoriously Hard-Left witches.  Most observers expect that the court will overturn a number of Wisconsin initiatives including school choice, which allows children to attend religious schools using State dollars.

We all know that the Statist Lefties must demolish families and religion in order to prevail.  So the experience of the Hasidic (Orthodox) Jews in New York city is relevant.  In this linked story, you learn how the New York Slimes literally co-operated with the State's "Education" department to defame the Hasidic schools (Yeshivas) and use that leverage to take greater control of the schools' curriculum and hiring practices.

You can expect that a similar campaign of sliming Choice schools will be launched in order to soften the ground for SCOWI's ruling (which has already been made, truth be told).  Thus will end the era of effective and good education for thousands of children in Wisconsin who will be forced back onto the Left's plantation.


Dave P. said...

Is there a way to add a state constitutional amendment protecting school choice?

Dad29 said...

Probably. Call W.I.L.L. and get their take, then call your Leggie.

That said, it takes at least 3 years to get one on the books, and that includes a referendum-like vote--but it's not subject to a veto by the Governor.

The trick will be to get the wording right so that the 4 Witches can't get around it.