Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Marxism, Intersectional and Multicultural

No matter how you cut it, Marxist analysis produced "intersectionalism" and "multiculturalism."  That's why they are both Enemies of the Republic.

Here's a short excerpt from a long essay on "multi-culti" within which you'll immediately recognize the sister-heresy of "intersectionalism."

...In short, multiculturalism is a worldview—a regime­, in the classical sense; a political and cultural way of life all wrapped up in one. As an ideology, it stands for nearly the opposite of America’s national motto. It seeks to divide and conquer Americans, making many groups out of one citizenry. The modern Left, accustomed to running the campuses according to the new social justice diktats of multiculturalism, now wants to run the world that way.

The threat multiculturalism presents to the American regime and our way of life is now urgent....
OK, then....

....Unlike Americanism, properly understood, multiculturalism defines and defends the rights of groups rather than individuals and denies the possibility of any natural standard from which to assess the goodness of political or moral arrangements. By rejecting this natural standard by which the virtue of America (or any country) must be measured, multiculturalism denies equality of each under the law of all. But so too does multiculturalism therefore abandon any principled adjudication of willful or rival claims to prestige, honor, and resources advanced by groups as a matter of right. Will and force replace reason and deliberation....
And in case you haven't noticed, "will and force" are in use by the "antifa" crowd.  The alternative to direct force, of course, is the predictably friendly Ninth Circuit, which is why it is the forum of choice for ANY multi-culti/intersectionalist legal action.  Until reversal--usually a minimun of a year--the force of the Government is applied.

Claremont has suggestions on how to defeat multi-/intersectional Marxism, recalling Lincoln AND endorsing "Trumpism."

HT:  Grim (who advises that the essay may be pulled any day.)

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