Wednesday, June 02, 2021

Census vs. Vote "Totals"

If you're surprised, you're several months behind the news.

...Speaking to pollster Richard Baris during an episode of “Inside the Numbers,” [constitutional] lawyer Robert Barnes said historically, the Census tends to “pin on the nose” the recorded vote numbers with the actual results. In other words, often the two data sets reasonably match...

... Barnes asked, “Why are there five million more ballots counted in the presidential election than reported voting according to the Census data, which has almost always been accurate?” He continued, “Isn’t it amazing that it [under reporting] is almost exactly the number of questionable Biden ballots?”...

Why, indeed?

Because, as Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Nevada audits will prove, those 5 million votes were frauds.

1 comment:

TuNeCedeMalisPJS said...

Only 5 million? More like 20.