Monday, April 09, 2018

Lobbyist In Charge of "Cock Robin" Vos?

It appears that "Cock Robin" Vos is no longer in charge of the Assembly; rather, it is a lobbyist:  John Gard.

Seems that John Gard gets a lot of his money from the Unions, so John Gard has a blood-feud with Andre Jacque, who rammed through a change in the Prevailing Wage law here in Wisconsin.

Gard, mightily cranked up, recruited a candidate to run against Jacque in Senate 1 (around Green Bay.)  Then Gard got 5 other Ass members to endorse his recruit, a 24-year-old kid who inherited a business in the Valley.

(In another post, one Ass member refers to this kid as a 'seasoned and skillful' business leader.  Really?  The guy is TWENTY-FOUR.  Of course, if John Gard tells you what to do, then you do it!!)

Jacque has ruffled a few other feathers because Jacque has principles and won't compromise.  That's why he has the endorsement of Pro-Life Wisconsin.

Vos is becoming a greaseball, blocking Conservative initiatives.  Maybe he should spend more time popping popcorn.

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