Monday, June 01, 2020

Karma, the Bitch

Yah, that happened.

A news editor for a small, independent newspaper was in support of the protests-turned-riots, until they broke into the paper's office and she had to take cover from looters and vandals in the basement.

Leigh Tauss, an editor for the progressive news outlet Indy Week in North Carolina, was stunned to find that the protesters-turned-rioters did not look favorably upon her business when they swept the area. 

She tweeted out on Saturday, saying "the crowd is extremely peaceful and groups and many are wearing masks and trying to keep distance."...

That was then.

...It was only a few short hours later that Tauss tweeted again about the protests.  This time her tone was difference. 

"I went into the hallway. I heard someone l enter the office and what sounded like smashing inside. We are a small newspaper with a handful of desktops. I’m now hiding in the basement."...

...And then on Sunday morning, Tauss posted what had become of her office at the hands of the rioters, tweeting "I’m devastated. We are a progressive newspaper. Last night I was inside when the first brick was thrown."

Not likely that she learned anything, either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Useful idiots are among the first to lose their heads. And even after it comes off, they still don't understand why.