Sunday, July 11, 2021

Biden* to Lecture on 'Voting Rights' in Philly

The Obama Administration's hologram-flunky will be in Philadelphia to lecture Americans on 'voting rights."

These are the 'rights' as he will state them:

1)  Patriots get one vote each.

2)  Democrats, Communits, Socialists, and Progressives get 4 votes each.  

3)  If 4-to-1 votes are insufficient, trunk-loads of "mail-in" ballots will be brought in and counted to assure Patriot losses.  These ballots may be imported from other States or countries or stored on thumb-drives which have no clear chain of custody (see City of Milwaukee, e.g.)

4)  Voting machines will be connected on-line to Red China, Iran, and other countries as required to assure Patriot losses.

5)  Antifa "ally" armed forces will assure that no Patriots succeed in reversing the 'elections.'  FBI and Capitol Police will assist Antifa forces as necessary.  FBI and Antifa will organize "insurrections" as false-flag ops, discrediting Patriots.

6)  Secretaries of State will harass, sue, imprison, or fine Patriots who question results or who may be Treasonous Whistleblowers.  No bail allowed, no court date will be set.  

7)  There will be no questions.

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