Tuesday, December 03, 2019

The Nuts-o "Crosswalk" Law in Wisconsin

Recently visited the County Courthouse and used the parking lot across the street.

Came up to the curb and waited for traffic to clear before hiking across the road.  As it turns out, I was at a Super-Duper-Ultra-Safe "crosswalk", so a few drivers hit the brakes hard (almost getting rear-ended) to let me through.

Not being a complete and total pansy, I waved them on, and when there was no traffic, I crossed.

Common sense, no?  Wait for traffic to clear, THEN cross the damn road.

Well, "common sense" has nothing to do with Wisconsin Statutes--and it confuses everyone.  Here's an excerpt from a related story.

...[A.D.A.] Gerol's report, and other police, explained that while the law requires motorists to stop for a pedestrian or bicyclist in the crosswalk at an uncontrolled intersection, drivers should not stop for crossers still at the curb who might merely be waiting to cross.

However, the Motorist's Handbook published by Wisconsin's Department of Motor Vehicles seems to suggest something different. Under section labeled Crosswalks and Stop Lines, it reads:

"Crosswalks define the area where pedestrians may cross the roadway. Crosswalks can be at intersections or in the middle of the block. You must yield to pedestrians who are in or are about to enter a crosswalk (marked or unmarked)." ...
The Sanctity of Crosswalks thing apparently grew from a combination of rampant jaywalking and extreme reluctance to put up a stoplight or stop sign nearby.  So now, pedestrians have the right to challenge 3,000 lb. oncoming vehicles and drivers are somewhat confused.

You want to jaywalk?  Fine.  Do so at your own risk.  Your Mom should have told you to look both ways and--if necessary--wait a while for traffic to clear.  It always does clear, Pootie....

Meantime, the Leggies should simply drop that whole "crosswalk-stop-curb-maybe-street" crap.

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