Friday, December 18, 2009

USCC Ratchets Up Against ObamaCare

I kinda wondered when they'd issue another statement, and it was today.

Cardinal DiNardo said December 18: “We continue to oppose and urge others to oppose the Senate bill unless and until this fundamental failure is remedied. And whatever the immediate outcome in the Senate, we will continue to work for health care reform which truly protects the life, dignity, conscience and health of all. As the bishops have said many times, ‘providing affordable and accessible health care that clearly reflects these fundamental principles is a public good, moral imperative and urgent national priority.’ In particular we will work vigorously to ensure that the substance of the House’s provision on abortion funding is included in final legislation.

Hmmmm. Does USCC expect that QueenNancy will 'conference' the bill?

HT: Fr. Z

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