Thursday, July 01, 2021

No Kilowatts in CA., Don't Charge Your Tesla

What a joke California really is.

After a couple of decades of shutting down or not permitting electrical generating plants--while forcing more and more electric-car usage........

The electricity-starved third-world country that is California discouraged residents from charging their electric cars during a recent heatwave.

And if the fact that in the 21st century, an American state is incapable of delivering enough electricity to its residents isn’t troubling enough, consider this…

This very same electricity-starved California will, in a mere 13 years, ban the sale of new gas-powered vehicles. And in a mere 8.5 years, 90 percent of the miles driven by ride-hailing services must be driven by electric vehicles. Oh, and California cities are already starting to ban the building of new gas stations.

So, what you have here is a state aggressively pushing its residents into electric cars when the state can’t generate enough electricity to charge those cars when the weather gets hot....

 Next chapter in this perverted story?

California is buying electricity from other States.  They will then accuse the other States of "polluting" the country's air.  Maybe those other States should consider telling California to put it where the sun never shines.

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