Tuesday, June 04, 2024

The New (D) Line on Dr. Fraudci

The Democrats (and their Deep State bedmate Republicans) have found a new cover story for the massive killing and maiming of senior citizens and children perpetrated by "Dr." Fauci and Big Pharma.  Jen VanLaer at RedState has the goods:

...there were a few notable themes in the hearing that, in conjunction with pieces out in the media, show the direction the Democrat messaging efforts are headed. Those themes are:

  • A lab leak origin for the pandemic is "possible" and "not a conspiracy theory"
  • Fauci's Senior Advisor Dr. David Morens' efforts to avoid FOIA were undertaken in a vacuum, and nobody else at NIAID would have ever acted in such a fashion
  • Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance (EHA) are the real bad guys here, who didn't report things on time or completely, and Fauci's underlings at NIAID never alerted him to issues with EHA
  • There were never any studies to back up CDC's masking-in-schools requirement, but that's OK since we were all just doing the best we could at the beginning of the pandemic - and we never forced states and municipalities to go along with them long-term...

Yah, sure.  Right.  

Most Nazi doctors really had no idea what was going on, ya'know.  People died.   

Who knew??


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Birx says US making ‘same mistakes’ with bird flu as COVID-19
