Friday, June 24, 2022

Marijuana and Violence Go Together

As the worm turns.....

In January 2019, Simon & Schuster published Tell Your Children, my book arguing cannabis use causes psychotic episodes and is likely a significant contributor to schizophrenia (and thus to violence, because untreated psychosis drives violence).

Two three-word sentences summarize the book’s thesis: Cannabis causes psychosis. Psychosis causes violence.

This simple statement stirred a furious media response - not just to the second sentence, but to the first, and not just from cannabis advocates but from nearly the entire non-conservative media....

That was then.  

This is now, from the NYSlimes (!!!!!!!):

 Starting in 2020 she began having mysterious bouts of illness where she would throw up over and over… a gastroenterologist diagnosed her with cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, a condition that causes recurrent vomiting in heavy marijuana users.

This woeful tale comes not from a Drug Enforcement Administration pamphlet but from The New York Times. Which went on to write:

In addition to uncontrollable vomiting and addiction, adolescents who frequently use high doses of cannabis may also experience psychosis that could possibly lead to lifelong psychiatric disorder, an increased likelihood of developing depression and suicidal ideation, changes in brain anatomy and connectivity and poor memory.

That's not all.

...The crime issue is more complex, but suffice it to say that the years following recreational legalization have not been happy ones for public - or traffic - safety, and cases revealing a striking connection between cannabis and violent crime keep popping up. Cannabis causes psychosis. Psychosis causes violence....

In Chicago, weed is legal.  You don't need more than that as evidence, folks.

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