Sunday, June 26, 2022

'In Retrospect....', He Said, Ruefully

Wikler is right.

...Democrats largely focused on federal politics....Democrats may have won the popular presidential vote in five out of the last six elections, but Republicans control 23 state legislatures while Democrats lead 14...

Yah, playing for the Totalitarian Victory wasn't too smart, was it, Benny?

...In Wisconsin, Democrats hold virtually every statewide office, including governor. Yet, waves of gerrymandering have left Republicans with close to a supermajority in the State Senate and Assembly. That means an abortion ban that was passed in 1849, when only white men could vote, is set to go back into force now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned. 'Because the structure of Wisconsin’s ultragerrymandered maps are so rigged against small-d democracy, we are going to have a law on the books that the overwhelming majority of Wisconsinites oppose,...

Funny, that.  "Small-d democracy" elected all those nasty, brutish, Republicans, Benny.  Then "small-d democracy" set up district boundaries, Benny.  So let's be honest here, Benny:  you don't want "small-d democracy."  You want Big City Rule, just like your national ambition to eradicate the Electoral College in favor of 'majority vote' would erase the voters in about 40 States from the elections.

And by the way, Benny:  Democrats only won FOUR of the last six Presidentials.

HT:  Althouse

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