Thursday, June 06, 2024

Biden Issues Existential Threat to Africa

 The installed occupant of the White House is now threatening the entire continent of Africa.

President Joe Biden said he would help Africa “build back better” in a second term, if reelected, during an interview on Tuesday.

A Time reporter asked Biden, “If you do win in November, Mr. President, with a mandate to continue your approach to foreign policy, what would your goals be in the second term?”...

... “There are going to be a billion people in Africa in the next several years. We have to, we have to be a catalyst for change for the benefit, for the, for the better, we have to help them build back better, we have to help them,” he said....

His promise of "help" should frighten the bejabbers out of every single African living todayA promise of 30%+++ increases in food costs, demolition of the electric grid, abolition of internal-combustion vehicles, gas stoves, air conditioning,  and the promise of continuing war with whomever is handy today--well, that's "Help" in the Democrat definition.

Not in anyone else's.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Things get a lot clearer when you understand that our US government is not a national government which happens to run a bunch of worldwide military operations, it’s a worldwide military operation which happens to run a national government for the benefit of itself and not the itty bitty little people living within the jurisdictional borders. The transition was so seamless the working stiffs never noticed.