Monday, February 26, 2024

Gorka the GloboCop

 It's no surprise to find that Sebastian Gorka is an anti-Russkie GloboCop.  It's surprising that his arguments are so transparently weak and.....ahhh........forgetful......of certain facts.  After all, he's a Ph.D., and they're supposed to be smart.  Also possible:  he's trying to cover his own ass.

Oh, well.  Let's shoot a few fish in this barrel!

His first snark is directed toward P J Buchanan, who asked a question that Gorka never gets around to answeringWhat is the vital national interest of the US in Ukraine?  Gorka also slaps the America First movement without mentioning that JFK was a member.  Sebbie prefers that you forget about that.

His second snark is directed at anyone who objects to spending more than $100 billion MasterCard dollars on sustaining the Ukraine's bureaucracy and shipping weapons which the Ukrainian Armed Forces are actually not capable of using.  Gorka's insult?

But what should those who still believe in America--unlike the Left--.....

Because one cannot oppose aiding a Corruptocrat 8,000 miles away unless one is NOT a believer in America and is a Leftist?  Only GloboCops like Gorka are True Conservative Americans?  I can't put my response to that in this blog, Sebbie, but it's two words, beginning with FU.

Gorka is conveeeeeeeniently forgetful with this little sally of his:

  ...there’s the “America, and her allies provoked the war by enlarging NATO!” Again a strange accusation, given that NATO is not the Warsaw Pact. No one is forced to join, it’s not a colonial empire, it’s a club of free states. If you want to join and can contribute to the collective defense of all, you can. Even Boris Yeltsin toyed with Russia joining NATO just ask the Soviet Union was collapsing....

Umhnnnnhhh.....sure, Sebbie.  It's "voluntary," but you must be invited; and being a member has its privileges:  access to US arms and lots of US dollars, our intel resources, and gallons of free champagne at All the Right Parties.  By the way, Sebbie:  which NATO members actually "contribute to the collective defense"?  Hmmmmm?  None of those leaker-members in Europe did so since NATO's founding.  Oh--yes--did you forget?  Putin asked Clinton if Russia could join, and Clinton turned him downSo maybe your BS about "join if you want to" is just that.  Of course, Sebbie prefers that you forget about that, too.

For his next red herring, GloboCop Gorka offers this gem:

 .... how exactly did the inclusion of former Communist countries like Hungary or Poland “threaten” Russia, a nation with the largest nuclear arsenal in the world?...

Gorka prefers that you forget about the GWBush promise that 'NATO will NEVER invite Ukraine' into the club.  The promise that our Deep State (people like Gorka) dropped into the memory hole.  The promise which was openly mocked and derided by the Germans.  Sebbie prefers that you forget about that.

Real Americans keep their promises, Sebbie.  Don't you know that?

GloboCop Gorka isn't finished insulting half the US population here, either.

...let’s work out what patriotic Americans should think about a war which is on the doorstep of NATO, an organization we helped create. Should we help Kiev? 


Oh.  How, Mr. Solutions???

Gorka spews his version of Eastern European history, recalling that in the year 900 or so, it was Kievan Rus' (Vikings, in his telling) which were first in Kiev, and Muscovy showed up later.  Yah, well, Sebbie, the Mohicans were in New York and the Cherokees were in Oklahoma several hundred years before the Colonists showed up.  Here's a question, Sebbie:  who did the Vikings eradicate in order to set up their little duchy in Kiev?  Hmmmmm???? 

Catherine the Great annexed Crimea in the late 1700's, ending the Ukrainian business of slave-trading in the process.  She took the territory in order to secure a warm water port in Crimea.  The Bolshies took over and handed Crimea to Ukraine, which was a part of the USSR. 

So what?

When the Ukrainians defied the US Deep State in 2014 with their election, the Deep State (Gorka's types) pulled off a Color Revolution, installing Zelenskiy.  When eastern Ukraine--largely populated by Russians--got restive under Zelenskiy's vaguely-Nazi and anti-Russian rule, Zelenskiy began shelling the East at the rate of 2,000 155's/day.  In all likelihood, Zelenskiy was ordered to do so by the CIA in order to get Putin to move.

That's when Putin decided it was time to step in and squash this miserable bug Zelenskiy, who is actually illegitimate (precisely as is Joe Biden).  But Sebbie the GloboCop doesn't mention that, does he?

Gorka has the cojones to pretend that France didn't have a vital national interest in slapping England around on our behalf back in the day; apparently, Sebbie never heard of "Montreal".  He prefers to forget that the Hessians were there because they were PAID to be there.  Sebbie has a lot of "forgets" in this essay, doesn't he??

And after all that, Gorka the GloboCop says that the US should give the Ukies all the old USSR weapons stashed in former USSR countries--as though it were ours to give--and that the US should share its intel resources with the Ukies--as though that hasn't been happening since 3++ years ago.

Nah, Sebbie, as a GloboCop you wimped out there.  Suit up!!  I'll buy you a nice AR and a thousand rounds.  Spend your own personal money--not mine, not my children's, and not their children's-- on your anti-Russkie crusade.

Go ahead.  Isn't that what REAL Americans do?  Or is it?

Frankly, Sebbie, you are not 'the judge.'

And finally:  given today's CIA revelations, one wonders if Gorka himself was pushing Putin's buttons--and that Gorka's demand of today isn't an attempt at deflection.

Maybe Trump trusted another goblin besides Pence and the treasonous "Chief of Staff" General?


Tony Ambrosetti said...

Very well said, Dad29. Interestingly, this man just spoke at the local Repub Party Lincoln event. How I miss Patrick Buchanan's insight. Wish we had listened to him long ago. God bless.

Anonymous said...

I was at that event. He’s a neocon. His Russophobia may flow in part from his Eastern European heritage. He's very tall (~6'5") and exudes a real Washington D.C. "halls of power tough-guy" persona (as is common among neocons of both the tall and midget varieties). He seems to rely heavily on intimidation in his rhetorical jousting. He was accordingly rude to a couple of questioners in the Q&A session after his speech.

Anonymous said...

Gorka is a complete fake intellectually. His Ph. D. thesis is a joke, as is his pompous delivery of stupid opinions.

Natsuki said...

It’s amazing how many people will say “don’t believe the propaganda of the mainstream media” until it doesn’t fit their brainwashing. They go on laughing at the Russia! Russia! Russia! scapegoating of the Clintons and Obama, but won’t look at the pile of feces which is the government of Ukraine. Russia has become the universal bad guy where leftists and conservatives can “reach across the aisle”. The kumbaya is starting to get nauseating. Thank you for your clear-minded analysis.