Sunday, November 26, 2023

Cut Out That Driving--and Home Heating, Too!

It's amusing that these dweebs think they can impose their will.

Here the Canadian Environment MinisterDweeb states without reservation that 'Yes, indeed, we will force you to use less home-heating gas.'  Not a big deal in Florida, but a REALLY big deal on Prince Edward Island.

Another bunch of twits tells us that an 'acceptable' carbon footprint is about 2.3 tons/year.

Uh-oh.  That means that someone will attempt to reduce US citizens' carbon footprint by about 86%.

You read that right.  Eighty-six percent.  Here's a chart:


Sure hope the damnfools who attempt to enforce this understand that they will be risking a lot when they come around with their "shut-down" orders.

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