Tuesday, November 07, 2023

The Bishops: Remote Material Cooperation in EVIL

 Recently someone put out an editorial claiming that the Catholic Bishops (USCC/Catholic Charities) are 'doing the right thing' by providing food, shelter, cash, clothing, and bus tickets to illegals.

That opinion, whether from a priest, Bishop, or alleged "moral theologian" is precisely wrong.

What the Bishops are really doing is encouraging illegal immigration.

Worse than that, about 40-50% of the women and girls who immigrate (knowing that the Bishops will help them on this side of the border) are raped, often gang-raped.

This is remote material cooperation in evil.  It is sinful activity.

The entire Catholic Charities administration must be fired today.  There are honest charity workers who are not anti-American (or worse) available for hire.

Call your Bishop and demand a change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this, I have thought the same, but haven’t seen it posted before.