Monday, November 27, 2023

Terry Wall's "Gimme!" Editorial

Terry Wall is a Madison-area Libertarian--until it comes to "who pays Terry" for his solar arrays; then, he likes YOU to pay for them through tax credits.  That's a distinctly NOT-Libertarian idea.

Wall's argument with utility rate calculations is actually an argument with the Public Service Commission--but Wall would rather make Big Utility into the boogeyman.  It's easier to persuade you when you have an enemy, and Big Utility is a handy one.  (Who loves their utility, anyway?)

God only knows why Terry wants to protect the PSC.

Look, Terry:  if you want to plant solar arrays on your roof, fine.  Don't require everybody else to pay for it by giving you tax money disguised as "credits."

By the way, Terry:  thanks for telling us what we already know:  solar is worth its salt for ONLY TWO MONTHS of the year in Wisconsin, which raises the question "Why the Hell are utilities bothering with this crap?"

The reason:  your Government wants it.  And if you dig down far enough, you'll find that certain Favored People are hauling in the megabucks by selling this garbage.

Just co-incidence, of course.

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