Monday, November 20, 2023

Comrade Biden's EEOC

Below we mention the Nazification of Michigan's government.

Here we mention the Nazification of the Federal Government under Fuhrer Biden.

The Biden Administration plans to abolish any legal, social, or political remnant of traditional Christian values regarding marriage, protecting the lives of children before birth, lifesaving treatment of newborn infants, and sexual morality. One anti-Christian proposed regulation contained in a 144 page document published by Biden’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) seeks to punish certain workplace speech that would normally be protected by the First Amendment.

Attorneys for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops wrote to the EEOC (10/27/2023) regarding Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. The Bishops’ attorneys rejected the notion that the EEOC has the authority to penalize the exercise of the First Amendment’s Freedom of Speech and to redefine as “sexual harassment” speech in opposition to abortion, birth control or gender identity....


Yup.  You read that right.  

"Oh, yah, but no biggie.  EEOC is concerned with workplaces only."

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

...EEOC’s “workplace” includes home offices, or emails from your spouse or a friend to your work computer. A woman suffering from an abortion could file a “sexual harassment” claim against a fellow employee who tries to offer her Christian based counseling. Making critical social media comments to a colleague about school teachers or counselors who lie to parents as they allegedly “help” teens alter their “gender” without parental permission could produce a pink slip terminating a job. The proposed EEOC “guidance” also requires that preferred pronouns be used to address individuals who identify as “transgendered,” or sanctions will be imposed. The “rights” of the “trans victim” are paramount and controlling in all spoken and written discourse or even images....


...If the EEOC’s new definition of “sexual harassment” is formally adopted, then all private and public employers with 15 or more employees, including churches and religious organizations and their employees will be required to muzzle expressions (oral, written, etc.) of their faith on the EEOC’s forbidden topics of abortion, birth control and gender ideology, and use preferred “transgender” pronouns....

These people must be stopped.


Anonymous said...

Sutri Initiative at

Ghost of the Truth said...

The democrat- socialist- communist complex uses bureaucracies to drive their agenda. Furthermore the bureaucracies insert themselves between the people and elected officials.

This insertion serves many nefarious purposes beginning with regulations cum laws that we the people then have no recourse to address.

Indeed - they must be stopped now