Friday, July 28, 2023

UN Clown: You're DEAD! Boiled Alive!!!

The insufferable John Kerry is enough torture--but now they add a new bozo, the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

...“humans are to blame. All of this is consistent with predictions and repeated warnings. The only surprise is the speed of the change. Climate change is here. It is terrifying, and it is just the beginning. The era of global warming has endedthe era of global boiling has arrived.  The air is unbreathable…the heat is unbearable, and the level of fossil fuel profits and climate inaction is unacceptable....

He was running around outside the UN building in NYC naked, with hair on fire due to the heat.

Unfortunately, the nearest mental hospital is all filled up with trannies and Democrat politicians, so this idiot will continue his un-hinged rants.

The Doomtard Greta agrees; she predicted we all will be dead by 2023.  Maybe she meant December?

I might have made some of that story up, but not the part in blue and red.

Insanity prevails.

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