Sunday, July 23, 2023

New Hotness: "Climate Disaster" False Dichotomy

You could watch Bill Walsh on Channel 58 to get the moron-level take.

Or you could read 'sophisticated' propaganda op-eds in the LA Times or NY Times.

It's "climate disaster!!!" or "roast/freeze/eat un-cooked food/forget hot water!"--which is the choice preferred by the elitesToo bad, peasant!

That's what's called a false dichotomy, here proposing that there is a "disaster" waiting should you continue with a First World life.  Either/Or.  Nothing in between. 

...This kind of propaganda is designed to condition readers to accept the lowering of their own living conditions in the name of saving the climate, or, as this writer poses is, “preventing climate catastrophe.” It is the kind of propaganda Americans and citizens around the world have been bombarded with as we have experienced the current hot summer...

(The hot summer is Walsh's favorite silly toy, but even the meteorologists at his station are ignoring him.  They know better.)

 ...Americans and Europeans and Canadians see this all happening and increasingly wonder why they must continue downgrading their standards of living when rising emissions from China alone far outstrip any reductions achieved by the west? This is a question to which the climate alarm movement has no good answer, other than to continue ramping up the fear tactics and propaganda.

That is why this previously quiet part of the energy transition agenda has been rising to the top of the alarmist message platform in 2023. No one should think the rhetoric will do anything other than keep ratcheting up from here....

The Covid gambit was the test run.  There, Pfizer and a few others (including the Red Chinese Army) made a lot of money off Americans.  

Who's raking it in on the "climate disaster"?


Anonymous said...

Liars Lying.

96% Of U.S Climate Data Is Corrupted, Study Shows

Anonymous said...

96% of U.S Climate Data Is Corrupted, Study Shows