Sunday, July 16, 2023

FBI Budget Cut by Piddling $1BN

You may think that $1 billion is a lot of money.

It's not, compared to the entire FBI tax-suck.

...The appropriations bill, which was passed through the House Committee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies in a party-line vote, would reduce the agency’s funding from the $11.3 billion it received this financial year to $10.3 billion (pdf). The reduction would return the agency’s funding to roughly 2022 levels....

This is merely a Republican dog-and-pony show for the rubes.  "Cutting" back to 2022?  How about a real cut, to 1996 levels? 

Start with any and all FEEBS "helping" Hollywood and the networks making propaganda TeeeVeee and movies.  Then slice off the top 10% of the salaries paid to FEEB top management liars and assholes.  Reduce the FEEBS' GulfJet collection to two planes; after all, commercial flights remain available.  Then let's have a very public review of FEEB crime-stopping accomplishments (not "efforts") in the past 2 years, especially on child-trafficking activities.

Or you could do the best thing:  shut it down entirely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cut the entire Fed gov to 1985 levels.