Friday, July 21, 2023

Burgum for Pres? Hard Pass!

 One of the Seven Dwarfs running for President in the Pubbie Primaries is the governor of North Dakota, a fellow named Burgum.

He gets a mention in this story, to wit:

...Gov. Doug Burgum had previously resisted ending refugee resettlement under Trump while claiming that the pipeline of foreign migrants showing up in the state had been vetted and were safe....

Ah.  Burgum, in his infinite wisdom, declared that 'the migrants were safe.'


Mohamad Barakat packed three long guns, four handguns and a vest with magazines in every pocket, as he drove through Fargo, North Dakota. The Downtown Street fair, which claims over 150,000 visitors, was on its second day and 5 minutes away. The Red River Fair, which recorded nearly as many people, was two days away from ending and 15 minutes away.

It’s unknown which of those locations Mohamad might have been headed to use up his 1,800 rounds of ammo and hand grenade...

... Pretending to be a casual observer, he hung around waiting until police officers were passing nearby and then he opened fire. The Muslim terrorist raised his rifle and shot through the open car window of his gray sedan, ambushing three Fargo police officers, shooting and killing Officer Jake Wallin, an Afghanistan and Iraq war vet who had recently joined the force, and wounding Officer Andrew Dotas and Officer Tyler Hawes. He also shot and wounded Karlee Koswick: a young woman who had been in the accident....

 ...Officer Zach Robinson did not go down and he returned fire. With Mohamad’s .223 caliber rifle pitted against the officer’s 9mm handgun, Officer Robinson still managed to “incapacitate” the Muslim terrorist’s weapon. The Muslim terrorist had burned through most of the 60 rounds in his double stacked mag while the officer had managed to draw his fire, reload and keep him occupied.

Then one of his shots disabled the Muslim terrorist’s rifle from 75 feet away. With his primary weapon gone, Mohamad grabbed a handgun and tried to continue the fight, and was shot dead....

 Barakat is the SECOND Islamic terrorist to have landed in Fargo, vetted by the clairvoyant Governor.  The first one departed for the Twin Cities and shot up a shopping mall there.

Presidential timber?

Hard pass.

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