Monday, May 01, 2023

The Beginning of Tucker's End

 Auguste Meyrat calls attention to this Tucker monologue from 4 years ago in which Carlson makes the point that family counts far more than market share or stock-market gains in a healthy society.

Hmmmm.  That "famiglia" thing, again.  You know that one:  it's part of the "Famiglia, Iglesia, Patria" battle cry raised by the current Italian prime minister; the battle cry currently operative in Hungary and to a lesser extent in Poland; the one that's stirring hundreds of thousands of Frenchmen to protest in the streets every weekend.  Yah, that one.

Carlson mentions that family formation is exceptionally low in America and he connects that to the lack of jobs which can support families, such as those commonly available in manufacturing and mining in the '50's, '60's, and early '70's--before such vile twits as Clinton and Bush-the-Dumber followed the orders of their masters and allowed all those jobs to go to third-world countries.

Carlson also makes the point that drug usage is a very serious problem, and not just the fentanyl-deaths part; the marijuana epidemic is just beginning and the long-term results of marijuana use are proven:  users become violent and psychotic after several years of regular smoking.

Tucker didn't have to mention 'populism,' nor 'nationalism' explicitly, and he didn't mention religion, either; all that and more was developed over the next four years, until Fox realized that the direction he was taking was inimical to the interests of Fox and all Fox's plutocrat, globalist, progressive friends.

So he was fired.

Please resume drug intake and sexual activity-without-the-problems-of-marriage-and-children.  Your death or disability is not the concern of The People That Matter.

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