Friday, May 12, 2023

They're Coming For Your Booze!

The World "Health" Organization--the one that promoted the sterilizing, blood-clotting, stroke-inducing, and baby-killing "vaccine"--is moving on. 

Now they're after your booze.  And beer.  And wine.

...The World Health Organization is now advocating for zero alcohol consumption. “No Level of Alcohol Consumption Is Safe For Our Health.”...


Think the W.H.O.'s bunch of pointy-headed twits only have authority "over there, somewhere"?

That's why Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants wants to sign a treaty with them, granting them plenary, unlimited, power in the US for their "health" activities.

We continue to preach "Buy More Ammo."  We will add "Buy Extra Booze!" to that mantra.


newguy40 said...

Well. They will come for my grapes, apples, dandelion? I make wine from all those. Look up ice distillation too.

Anonymous said...

I make blackberry wine
Are they coming for my blackberries?
