Tuesday, May 16, 2023

UW's Rothman: A Logic-Challenged Guy

Usually, the President of a University system is capable of logical thinking.

Not Jay Rothman!

University of Wisconsin President Jay Rothman said the “war for talent” is driving his vision for the school, which he says is necessitating both a tuition increase and a request for $200 million more in the next state budget.

Rothman told WisPolitics’ Newsmakers program that Wisconsin must do both in order to compete in that war.

“We’re not graduating enough people in the state right now to fill the jobs that are there,” Rothman said. “That war for talent is in this state. If we are not successful in graduating the number of people that this state needs, the state’s long term economy is going to suffer. Those jobs will leave the state.”...

Uh-huh, Jay.  Sure.

Notice what's missing there?  Rothman seems to 'think' that more students will magically materialize if the UW System gets MO' MONEY!  He also tells us that more students means more STEM graduates.  Finally, he projects that MO' MONEY = MO' students, = MO 'STEM grads.......well, shucks, Andy!!  Those graduates will stay right here in Wisconsin Mayberry and work for Wisconsin Mayberry companies!!


It's also somewhat amusing the way Rothman brushes aside the real concern over the enormous reduction in the number of students in the System.  Maybe Jay doesn't read demographic reports and projection--but he should.  And Rothman seems to think that "MO' MONEY!!! will cure the sinking reading/math scores of Wisconsin high school students.  Let me help you , Jay:  if they can't read or do math now, MO' MONEY!!! won't fix it.

Somewhere, the UW System offers a course in logic.  Jay should take a couple semesters' worth.

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