Friday, May 12, 2023

ChiComs at Oklahoma State? "No Problem!!" Sez (R) "Patriot"

There are spying problems, and then there are spying NOT-problems.

It all depends on whose funding gets cut, you see!

Legislation cracking down on funding for Chinese Communist Party-affiliated organs has stalled out in a congressional committee with a chair whose district could be financially harmed by the bill....

...The Stop Funding Our Adversaries Act is not scheduled for a markup in the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, despite “protecting our research from theft by the Chinese Communist Party” being a high priority for chairman Frank Lucas of Oklahoma, committee staffers told the Daily Caller....

See, a crap-ton of money goes to OSU because Frank Lucas--who calls himself a patriotic Republican--wants that money to go there, no matter this "Chinese spying" stuff

...OSU is currently receiving or is scheduled to receive 367 federal contracts and grants totaling almost $400 million through 2079. Due to the university’s extensive partnerships with Chinese schools, all of those funds would be in jeopardy if Congress passes the Stop Funding Our Adversaries Act....

You can bet large money that similar funding is sent to lots of other colleges and universities which also have very risky relationships with the Chinese Communist enemies.

That's why Lucas isn't too worried about taking heat over this.  Another 100 or so "patriotic" Republicans likely have his back.

What a country!!

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