Saturday, May 20, 2023

Whitewashing FEEBS? Who Are You Kidding?

PowerLine joins Ham'n'Egger Hannity in begging for 'good guy' status among the ground-level FEEBS.

...A friend of mine who retired recently from the Bureau says much the same thing: the vast majority of agents are solid, he thinks, but there were seven or eight bad apples at the top who steered the FBI into the ditch....

So among the 'vast majority' are the two female FEEBS who showed up on a pro-lifer's front porch demanding to 'question' her because she's a noisy pro-lifer?  Or the dozen FEEBS who participated in a fully-armed SWAT-type raid on a pro-lifer's home with the express but un-stated purpose of terrorizing his family and other pro-lifers?  How about the FEEBS in Michigan who set up the rubes for a 'kidnap the Governor' trial?  Or the FEEBS instigating violence on J6?  Or the FEEBS "investigating" Catholics who attend Old Rite Masses, or the FEEBS "investigating" parents who object to porn in kindergarten?

How about the totally criminal violations of the Fourth Amendment over the last few years?  Oh--wait--we forgot about THESE totally criminal acts.

They were only following orders, see.  

That's 'solid'? 

Bongino's right.  Tear it down and ----maybe--- start all over again.

More--far more--at Grim's post on the topic.


1 comment:

Restore-DC-Catholicism said...

I guess they never heard of the Nuremberg trials.