Saturday, May 20, 2023

UW: 'Mo'Money Will Fix This!!'

A few days ago, we noticed that the President of the UW System suffers from a lack of logical thinking.  His claim?  That shoving another few hundred million tax dollars into the UW System would produce more UW System graduates who would then stay in Wisconsin, yadayadayada....Rainbows!  Sea Shells!!  SparkleFarts!!  And a good time will be had by all.


But there's this:

Fall undergraduate enrollment has begun to stabilize in 2022, contracting only by 0.6 percent or about 94,000 students, compared to fall 2021. However, postsecondary enrollment remains well below pre-pandemic levels, down about 1.23 million undergraduates and 1.11 million total enrollment, both undergraduate and graduate, compared to fall 2019.

Freshman enrollment is up 4.3 percent (+97,000 students) from the previous fall.
However, freshman enrollment remains down 150,000 compared to 2019. Community colleges, which have been hit particularly hard by the pandemic, saw freshman enrollment increases of 42,000 students (+6.1%) over fall 2019....

That 1.1 million deficit in skulls-full-of-mush is a NINE PERCENT drop.

Will "Mo'Money" create nine percent more students at UW System schools?


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