You've heard 'the right side of history' from all the Right People. Here's where that concept comes from.
...For Marx and Engels, the ground of both socialism and communism is “history,” understood not as an account of past events, conditions, structures, and trends but as an inexorable movement toward a final, fully rational state, with “state” understood as both “state of being” and the formal machinery of government. The discovery of this notion of “history” is implicit in Rousseau’s account of man’s transition from the state of nature—man’s original and natural, in the sense of “default,” condition—to civil society. For Rousseau, that transition was both a decline and one-way: There is no going back. This change in man’s situation, which putatively changes his nature, is the core of what would come to be called “historicism”: the idea that human nature is not constant but variable according to the historical situation. In this understanding, “history,” and not any purported but nonexistent permanent human nature as posited by all prior philosophy, both determines the organization of society and supplies the standard by which man should live....
Rousseau's stone, cut and polished by Marx & Engels.
No wonder Obama loved to use that phrase!
The obvious core error is in red, bolded. Human nature is not 'variable', because mankind is in the image and likeness of the unchanging, Eternal, God.
But--if it IS variable--then homosexuals can be married, boys can be girls..........and what rights (and obligations) we have as creatures of God are wiped away in favor of what rights and obligations are imposed by The State.
... History in the main is the endless replacement of one set of standards and modes of life for new ones, one set of masters for another, ad infinitum.
Rousseau’s successors, principally Kant and Hegel, accept the notion that history is driven by conflict but posit that the process nonetheless has a rational direction. History’s inherent and inevitable conflicts point forward and upward toward a final state in which all of history’s contradictions are resolved. It is this alleged insight—popularized in the late 1980s and early 1990s by Francis Fukuyama—upon which Marx and Engels build their political and economic theory....
We should add that Teilhard deChardin, S.J. was another proponent of the 'upward-pointing toward a final state resolving all contradictions' school of thought. Notably, his teaching was condemned by the Church, likely for its roots in Rousseau.
The gibberish-phrase 'right side of history', used to shame actual Conservatives, should be loudly and forcibly resisted as exactly what it is: a sophisticated word-salad devoid of meaning in the world of reality.
Please read the entire, lengthy, essay at the link. It is a marvelous exposition of the genesis of the problem we face today. In reality, that genesis is the infection of Gnosticism given us by Eve's bite of the apple. So yes, the Rousseau/Marx/Engels/ "Progressive" atheism is what must be eradicated.
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