Thursday, April 27, 2023

German Straw in the Wind?

This would be a very good sign, if it holds up.

Support for Germany’s ruling green party has reportedly collapsed after the country rushed to shut down all remaining nuclear power plants, and ruled against gas central heating from next year.

Germany’s Greens are no longer one of the top three most popular political parties in Germany, with ongoing environmentalist-driven scandals over nuclear power and home heating pushing the party below 15 per cent support....

The German "Greens" have been troublesome since the 1980's.  Like their counterparts in the US, they are prone to violence and sabotage.  They became a significant political force, just like their "green" allies in the US.

And they over-stepped, just like the Extreme Left Democrat/Enviro-Nutbag Party is doing here in the US. 

Between this and the ongoing large demonstrations against Globaloney in France, the straws are beginning to get thick in the wind.  

These groups will not go quietly.  You can expect a great deal of oppression, threats, and violence in the streets as they realize that their day is over.  

Best be prepared.

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