Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Col. Macgregor's Excellent Question

Some of you are familiar with Col. Douglas Macgregor.  You are the enlightened ones; Macgregor is an astute student of geopolitics and war; and he is unafraid to slap both sides of the aisle for their multiple perfidies against the Deplorables.

Following WWII.....

...Captivated by the illusion of limitless power, Presidents Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson wasted no time looking for opportunities to reshape the world in America’s image.

The Vietnam War sobered up the American electorate, but after America’s Cold War victory in 1991, presidents have blurred the distinctions between war and peace. In the resulting confusion, the reckless pursuit of global military hegemony and the moralizing internationalism that inspired intervention in Vietnam regained its old popularity....

(One should add that the VietNam disaster was not only 'global military hegemony and moralizing internationalism.'  It was also fought for the benefit of US manufacturers who saw market-share opportunities in SE Asia and needed US control of the area to capitalize.)

Macgregor, after a bit more discussion of the War-War State, poses a gripping question.

...In a report called “Joint Operating Environment 2008,” the authors warned the Joint Chiefs of Staff, “Any descent by Mexico into chaos would demand an American response based on the serious implications for homeland security alone.” The report did not command the attention of the Obama administration and Washington’s current political elites seem no more interested today than they were in 2009. 

Against this backdrop of social, political, and economic decay, the president and Congress are effectively ignoring the disintegration of civil society in Mexico. Mexican drug cartels (with the assistance of enablers in Cuba and Venezuela) are not only invading America with impunity. The cartels are also exposing Americans to criminal violence in their own country.

Yet it is not the metastasizing cancer of criminality on the Rio Grande that is the strategic focus for President Biden and his compliant congress. It is the proxy war in Ukraine....

Donald Trump paid a lot of attention to Mexico and the border because Macgregor advised him--and Trump understood the peril.  That fence was not only about illegal laborers.  Not by a long shot.

The drug-and-child-rape cartels are of no interest to Congress and Bai-Den not because they are taking payoffs (that we know of.)  They are of no interest to Congress and Bai-Den because the harm they are doing is to the untermenschen; brown and black people and poor whites, by and large.

Who cares about them, anyway?

Macgregor does.  Trump does.

The moralizing Democrats?  Nope.  The feckless, rudder-less Republicans?  Hell, no.

 But the circus of a Trump indictment and the drama of a foreign war (killing far-away untermenschen) is what Bai-Den and Congress want because that keeps your attention away from the real clear and present danger:  the Narco-State of Mexico.


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