Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sessions: The Meaning of "Sex" Is "Sex". Period.

There will be more screeching, wailing, and stamping of widdle feets.

...In recent years, lawyers for liberal activist groups shifted from their perennial efforts to amend federal civil rights laws to declare sexual orientation and gender identity to be specially protected categories like race, arguing now that legislative changes are not needed, because current laws against sex discrimination already cover those newer social disputes. Under President Barack Obama and Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) adopted those positions over the past several years.

On July 26, the Trump-Sessions DOJ reversed course, arguing that the words of Title VII have the same dictionary meanings today that they had in 1964, and thus that homosexuality and transgenderism are not specially protected legal categories....

I suppose Bruce Jenner will be unhappy, too, but maybe Sessions will work on folks with mental diseases next.

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