Saturday, July 06, 2024

Laugh-Line from Biden

The Examiner ran an article quoting Biden during his Stephanapoulos (spliced-and-diced) interview.

This is the one of the bigger laugh-lines:

...When Stephanopoulos followed up, Biden repeated that he was “the guy that put NATO together.”

“No one thought I could expand it. I’m the guy that shut Putin down,” Biden said of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine on Biden’s watch....

So that was a "shutdown,", eh?


It gets better!


A bronzed Joe Biden made a bizarre claim about inventing a computer chip during his make-or-break interview Friday.

Biden, 81, would repeatedly respond to questions in a raspy, weary voice, often losing track mid-sentence and at times ignoring questions in an attempt to make occasionally outlandish claims about his record.

The president at one point told George Stephanopoulos that 'we used to have 40 percent of computer chips. We invented the chip, the little chip, the computer chip. It's in everything from cell phone to weapons.'...

After returning from shul, growing up in his Hispanic neighborhood with the Poles!

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