Friday, July 12, 2024

NATO: "Cannot Let Russia Win"

 Statement from  General Secretary of NATO Stoltenberg wherein he says that NATO 'cannot let Russia win' in Ukraine as that would be NATO's 'biggest risk.'

Stoltenberg left his NATO position at the meeting in D.C., but would not have made such a statement without the approval of Biden or whoever the Hell is running the US Government.

In addition:

...A joint statement by NATO’s 32 members says that Ukraine is on a quote ‘irreversible’ path to membership. At the alliance’s 75th anniversary summit, they also pledged 40 billion euros of aid to Kyiv next year. But most of that aid is set to come from the bloc’s largest member, the US....

And NATO will allow Ukraine to pound Russia with NATO weapons.

War-mongering.  It's what Our Betters do!!

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