Friday, July 19, 2024

CNN, Applebaum: Lying, Again

What's this "democracy" crapola from the Extreme Left (Democrats)?

A CNN reporter-ignoramus/provocateur finds extremist Anne Applebaum to fork-tongue her way through the definition of the American govenmental system.  Surprised?  

A democracy is rule-by-mob.  Period.  No other way to put it. 

The US is a representative republic.  Legislators are charged with advancing the best interests of their constituents, which may or may not be what their constituents would vote for in a pure democracy.  Moreover, those elected legislators must deal with other elected legislators, an Executive (President or Governor) and a court system which judges their laws against the Constitution's roadmap.

The CNN guy is either an ignoramus or a provocateur.  Applebaum is an extreme Lefty.  (You expected something else?)

Too bad the Pubbies who were interviewed were not ready to articulate the subtle but significant differences, but that's why the CNN guy went after them.

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