Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Trump Going Deep State (?)

Interesting little tidbit.

...the Trump campaign is now reportedly considering hiring disgraced former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy to serve as Chief of Staff in a second Trump term.The only other option being floated is Mercury (big pharma) lobbyist and former DeSantis advisor Susie Wiles, who worked closely with LaCivita to kneecap the Trump loyalists at Project 2025 and who attempted to bring NeverTrumper Charlie Spies into the new Republican National Committee (RNC) HQ...

Next, you'll hear that Paul Ryan will be appointed Sec/Homeland Security.  He'll beef up the Section 704 enforcement.  Can't be too careful about those Catholics!


Anonymous said...

I read this post earlier today, and it popped up in my mind later.

You know, Sin makes you stupid.
and supporting abortion is a huge stupid sin. Its Murder most foul of the most innocent

Don't be surprised when he makes equally stupid sinful cabinet appointments


Anonymous said...

Rod Blagojevich (remember him?) writes in a Wall Street Journal article that Biden is getting the Chicago treatment, meaning essentially that the bosses get their way, because the bosses control all the downstream politics. Silly things like counting ballets.

I bring this up because that fact is that Trump entered this game of thrones as an untested raw amateur and the deep state bosses played him like an abused whorehouse piano. The point being that, contrary to media narrative, intelligent Trump is learning how to effectively play the game. A certain amount of bosses need to be kept happy in order to achieve the goals Trump chooses to prioritize.

Now Trump may prioritize selective revenge rather than wholesale house cleaning, and while garbage disposal may not fit the White Knight fantasy so many of us long for, it is better than the absolute corruption status quo. What is that old joke about no matter what the heart and brain pontificate, it is the asshole that rules the body. – Mark78

Anonymous said...

These things have I spoken unto you, that in me ye may have peace. In the world ye have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33