Sunday, July 28, 2024


You've already seen the news items:

The 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris kicked off Friday with an opening ceremony that left many stunned and repulsed — drag queens cavorting in the streets, raunchy same-sex foreplay, and a gender-queer re-enactment of The Last Supper.

There was even a bearded “woman” crawling around on all fours in a provocative blue bustier....

At one time, France was called 'the eldest daughter of the Church.'

That daughter is now appearing naked on Only Fans. 

For clarity, below is the tweet from "Butch" who was blaspheming as Jesus.  He/She/It later deleted same:



capper said...

So, are you saying that Bacchus, the Greek god of wine, was at the Last Supper, or are you saying Jesus Christ was purple?

Instead of banning books, maybe you should try reading them.

Anonymous said...


Please lay off the Hallucinogenic mushrooms
your perception of reality is sufficiently bent

Dad29 said...

Suddenly, Capper the Parks Lawn-Mower guy is an expert on very obscure European "art." Uh-huh.

capper said...

Not art, mythology. You know, like Catholism.

Anonymous said...

Lawn-Mower guy is triggered over the "only fans" comment.
You must of struck to close to home. Bet his wife, or daughter or even his boyfriend has an blog there.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you have hurt the Lawn Mower guys feelzings and he is butt hurt by all the Princess Czar Kammy truth tellings.....
Ahhh, Poor widdle guy!!!