Wednesday, July 31, 2024

"Weak" Plot? "Strong" Plot? "Que Sera, Sera" Plot?

A week ago we mentioned an interview of Scott Ritter, who thinks that the Secret Service was "in on the plot" to ass****nate Trump.

In the same post, Larry Johnson advanced the same theory, with the refinement that putting a totally inexperienced guy in charge of the site amounted to a plot to ass****nate Trump.

Now comes Ace, with a more nuanced (?) version of Larry Johnson's theory.

...I can't buy the Strong Form of this idea -- that they intended Trump to be killed. That's a big idea for a group of people to commit to.

But I can believe the Weak Form of the idea: They deliberately stripped Trump of Secret Service protection, because the Deep State was angry that they told Trump he wasn't allowed to run for president, and he defied their commands, so they did what the left now does constantly: They deplatformed him.

Giving him Secret Service protection would be "platforming" the Bad Orange Man, and good liberals and progressives don't "platform" all them millions of New Hitlers they're constantly waging war with. They take away their ability to speak publicly....

...So they tried to deplatform Trump by exposing him to danger, hoping he'd get the hint and desist in his defiance of the Deep State, but he went out to speak anyway.

And the inevitable happened.

I don't think they exactly intended it to happen this way.

But I think they brought an Ivan Drago attitude to it: If he dies, then he dies....

In Wisconsin, we call that "reckless disregard for life."  It's a felony.   Felonies are not "nuanced."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't trust Scott Ritter. He thought Russia would quickly bulldoze Ukraine. Didn't happen.