Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Kamala, the Back-and-Forthright Candidate

 Yes, indeed.  Pogo Lives!

Anyhow, about Kamala:

... the Harris campaign has announced that the vice president no longer holds those positions.

That’s right. For the purposes of manipulating the American electorate, Harris will publicly pretend that she no longer believes any of the things she said on video.

According to the Times, that includes abandoning support for open borders, a gun buyback program and single-payer health insurance.

Furthermore, she plans to position herself “as a candidate with deep ties to law enforcement.” So much for felons’ voting rights.

What about the crazy climate worshipers? Well, Harris also announced that she no longer supports a ban on fracking....

Next thing, she'll be advocating for mass removal of illegal aliens.

And she will mean every word of it.

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