Saturday, July 06, 2024

Another Trump Mistake

We've said this before:  Trump is an LBJ Democrat who has not yet sunk into another VietNam.  Other than that, his social and fiscal policies are those of the (D) Party of the late '60's.  While "sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll" doesn't quite capture that era, it's close enough.

That said, Biden's policies and programs are horrific.  So the choice is clear.

But Trump does stupid stuff.

Here, he denounces Project 2025, saying that some of their proposals are "ridiculous" and "abysmal," and that he will have nothing to do with them if he's elected.  The Advisory Board of Project 2025 will disagree, as will any thinking Conservative.  

But this tracks with Trump's foolish and ill-informed endorsement of Tony Weid instead of the rock-solid conservative Andre Jacque in the Congressional primary for *spit* Gallagher's seat.

So long as you understand that Trump is not a conservative, you'll understand his moves.

And so long as you understand that Biden is a puppet of Totalitarian Communists, you'll understand his moves, too.

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