Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Left Hates the Family

We always knew that the Left targets two institutions for destruction:  the Church and the family.

Even then, when the numbers come out, it's a shock.

...A recent Pew Research Center poll highlighted the stark difference of opinion former President Donald Trump’s supporters and and those of President Joe Biden have on issues related to marriage and family.…

 ...Nearly 60 percent of Trump supporters — and 54 percent of his female supporters — said that society is better off when it prioritizes marriage and family, compared to only 19 percent of Biden backers who shared the same view....reported at Wauck's place.

So 8 of 10 Lefties think all that 'family' stuff is ....secondary?  .........tertiary?

To what??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Because they are depopulationist.

You’re not worthy to pass on your prodigy in their gene pool