Friday, June 28, 2024

SCOTUS Bitch-Slaps Regulators

 This is a very big deal.

A divided US Supreme Court threw out a decades-old legal doctrine that empowered federal regulators to interpret unclear laws, issuing a blockbuster ruling that will constrain environmental, consumer and financial-watchdog agencies.

The 6-3 decision, which came in a fight over a fishing-industry regulation, is a long-sought triumph for opponents of big government. The court overturned Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, a 1984 ruling that Democratic administrations had used as a legal building block for new regulations....

EPA, BATF, Wampum-Woman's CFPB, CDC, EEOC--all will take a hit.

...The latest ruling raises new questions about longstanding rules as well as the power of agencies going forward, particularly in emerging fields including cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence. It puts more onus on Congress to directly tackle policy issues and gives lower-court judges a mandate to rein in regulators when they exceed their authority.

The Supreme Court majority said the Chevron decision improperly transferred the power to interpret the law from the judiciary to federal agencies....

Your Congress-critter can no longer say "I didn't do it.  The regulators did it."  Which means that the low-lifes in Congress will have to take responsibility for their legislation, sloppy, fork-tongued, and perverted as it usually is. 

Will this be the beginning of the end of the domestic Deep State?


Anonymous said...

Could this scotus ruling help me push back on my wood stove problem?
I want the local welder to weld me a wood stove, but I'm told by the welder that an insurance company will not insure a home with a home made stove....

Could this particular change law potentially get me around this obstacle?

Anonymous said...

No. Private Insurance companies decide for themselves what risks they are willing to take, for a premium. Shop around and you may find a willing private enterprise.

Anonymous said...


Dad29 said...

And yet, Reich calls Trump a liar......

Anonymous said...

Reich is a Democrat, Lying is what they do...