Sunday, June 23, 2024

Lowlife Paul Ryan FIRST To Have "Dossier"

Widdle Paulie Ryan is still stamping his widdle feets after being humiliated by 1) being second fiddle to Mitt Romney,  and 2) losing that race bigly.

Turns out that Widdle Paulie was the first to get his hands on the "dossier" that was paid for by Hillary Clinton and while sitting on that "dossier," Ryan charged his Congressional investigators to dig into 'the possibility' that there was a "dossier".  (At the time, Widdle Paulie's BFF Reince Priebus was Chief of Staff in Trump's White House.  Priebus was fired for running his mouth 24X7 to the press.)

Here's a question:  who gave that "dossier" to Ryan?  Hillary Clinton?  Marc Elias?  Those are the two dirtiest names in D.C.; was Ryan a pal of theirs?

Anyhow, he was sitting on the document that he told them to find.  That's the kind of dirtball politics that he taught to "Mr. 16%" Robin Vos.

The Ryan-Priebus political love affair gets more interesting every day, ain'a?  Especially when you add Vos to that menage.  Remember, it was Vos who effectively killed the Brandtjen/Gableman election-fraud investigation.  Vos also killed the removal of Meagan Wolfe by lying (yes, lying) about the number of Assembly votes needed to impeach her far-Left ass.

Think Jay Weber or Jerry Bott will be talking about that Ryan-Priebus-Vos thing?   Hmmmmm???


Anonymous said...

Paul Ryan gets a lot of free space in your brain? Why don't you charge him rent?

Dad29 said...

Traitors get my attention, Cappy.

Kinda like what the Democrat Party did to Sen. Casey a couple decades ago. he had the nerve to be pro-life and since The Party was totes pro-death, well......

Anonymous said...

Ryan and Priebus are very different animals. Ryan is blue blooded GOPe and therefore an unapologetically devout Never-Trumper. It’s not in his best interests to be anything else. Doesn’t seem to play well with others.

Priebus is at least capable of assimilation, has a viable skill set, and is capable of performing under supervision. He’s a team player. Probably out of his depth as CoS, but there’s too much experience there to simply dismiss.

Vos is just a sometimes useful idiot. And that’s being generous.