Friday, June 21, 2024

More Horrible Milwaukee Crime

Yesterday we mentioned the horrible Milwaukee court system which allowed a felon to go free and murder someone else.


Today we note the horrible Milwaukee stolen-car spree which--in this instance--resulted in the death of an unborn baby* and serious injuries to that baby's mom and another couple of individuals.

Horrible Milwaukee stolen-car problem.

*Planned Parenthood would call that an "abortion" and bless it.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Disaster of EVs

 Someone went to the trouble of putting all the (current) EV disasters into one column.

Fisker, Ford, GM, Proterra......all there.

Know what else is in those EV disasters?

BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars, shoveled out by Sponge-Brain-Shits-Pants.

Trump To Stay in Chicago for RNC? More Presstitution.

As is the custom, the Presstitutes reported--speculatively and falsely--that Trump would be staying in Chicago during the Pubbie National Convention.  

That was an assertion made wholly without evidence, you know; it was based on an un-sourced report that LEO's did a walk-through of the Trump hotel in Chicago.

But the Trump hotel in Chicago will also be used by Democrat National Convention attendees--something that the un-sourced and without-evidence story does not mention.

TWO Bad Actors in Trucking Homicide

 You've probably seen this story.

An illegal immigrant with a record of drug- and alcohol-related arrests and multiple deportations allegedly killed a 64-year-old Colorado grandfather named Scott Miller.

That is the first thing to get clear about this story: Another American has died in an incident involving a lawbreaker with no right to be in the United States.

According to KMGH-TV in Denver, Colorado, 47-year-old Ignacio Cruz-Mendoza lost control of his semi-truck on US 285 June 11, leading to an accident that resulted in Miller’s death. Cruz-Mendoza now faces vehicular assault and vehicular homicide charges....

This is the way Biden "enriches America."

But there's another part to this story which--frankly--only the linked source (Western Journal) bothers to report.

...Then there is the matter of Monique Trucking. According to KCNC, the company that employed Cruz-Mendoza had five safety violations. Might that company’s willingness (eagerness?) to hire a man desperate for work and thus cheap to employ have constituted its most egregious violation of all, especially when that man lacked a commercial vehicle license and could not work legally?

This will do nothing to quell suspicions that
illegal immigration persists because employers want desperate workers and Democrats want voters....

Only FIVE safety violations?

Hired an illegal who did not have a CDL?

Methinks Monique's ownership should be in Federal prison alongside their driver.

EPA Overstepping Its Bounds, Again

In the past few weeks, we've noticed a number of Federal courts slapping various agencies (EPA, BATF) for arrogating powers to themselves which rightfully belong only to Congress.  That little wave may soon hit the EPA (again) over its new heavy-duty vehicle emissions rule.

...A dozen groups joined together to sue the Environmental Protection Agency for the Biden administration’s new rule, finalized earlier this year, which requires model 2027 trucks to meet strict emissions standards that critics say are meant to push out diesel and gas vehicles and to replace them with electric vehicles....

That includes school buses.  The massive electrical power systems and feeds required to charge bus batteries is NOT in place and it will take more than three years to build it, assuming that it can actually be built.

Horrible Milwaukee Courts. Again.

 Leave aside that these shootings happened just after a Juneteenth "Peace Day" event.

...A [Sheriff's] detective in plain clothes was first to arrive on scene and saw someone shooting a gun toward the playground. Gunfire hit one victim multiple times. [That victim died later.] The detective opened fire on the shooter.

The shooter then ran from the scene to the north. A second detective later arrested the shooter, who was not hurt, at gunpoint....

So yah, another Horrible Milwaukee shooting-homicide.  Gangs.  "Unruly youth."  So what?

Here's what:

...Charges against the suspected shooter, a 17-year-old boy from Milwaukee, will be referred to the district attorney's office.

Hughes said MCSO arrested the same person May 20 on a charge of felon in possession of a firearm. Chief Deputy Hughes said that person was out on $750 cash bail at the time of the Washington Park shooting....

1)  The shooter is a CONVICTED FELON.  2)  He's arrested and is carrying, making him a felon in possession.  Some Horrible Milwaukee judge gives him a near-free pass, and 3)  he shoots up a "peace" gathering in a park, killing one in the process.

Horrible Milwaukee.

The US Debt/Deficit Problem Is Extreme

Your go-along-to-get-along Republican congress-critter voted for a budget which has gone wildly out of control.

That's because the ex-Speaker McCarthy's Congressional Budget Office lied like Hell about the built-in deficit in McCarthy's bill--and trust us, McCarthy and several other slimebuckets knew exactly what they were doing.

We will cite Breitbart here, but recall that Breitbart's business/economy coverage has always been optimistic.

The (more-or-less) nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) upwardly altered their projection for this year’s federal budget deficit by $400 billion on Tuesday. This brings the deficit forecast to $1.92 trillion for the year and marks a 27 percent increase compared to the CBO’s original estimate from the beginning of the year.

The major drivers of the shift, according to the report, are military aid to places like Ukraine and Israel as well as domestic spending on student loan forgiveness and Medicaid and the federal government’s failure to recover payments from last year’s banking crisis....

Twenty-seven percent off?  Twenty-seven percent?

McCarthy (and his spineless successor Johnson) knew about Ukraine and Israel gifts long before they were "proposed."  The student-loan deals are zits on the back of the elephant--albeit illegal and un-planned--and a 'failure to recover' means the Feds are playing footsie with bankers (surprise) instead of prosecuting them.

Call and kick your Congressman in the ass.

LA. To Defy Burger SCOTUS

And a damn good thing, too!!

A poster-sized copy of the Ten Commandments is required to be displayed in every public school classroom in Louisiana under a bill signed into law on Wednesday.

Louisiana is the first state to successfully pass legislation requiring the display of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms, including state-funded universities, since the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to banish the tenets from America’s classrooms in 1980....

The ACLU (Democrat Party) will sue.

Let 'em.

The posters will be provided ONLY through private donations, not tax money.

The Real Costs of Horrible Milwaukee Schools

The horrible Milwaukee Public Schools' financial FUBAR will cost almost every school district in the State due to the labyrinthine "school aid" formula the State uses to hand out tax money.  UPDATEto be clear, these losses of aid are a result of MPS' $250 million referendum and its consequent spending.

These are the LOSSES some districts will take based on Legislative Fiscal Bureau estimates.

Elmbrook:  $672K

Franklin:  $260K

Hartford Union H.S.:  $100K

Kenosha:  $858K

Oconomowoc:  $500K

Pewaukee:  $366K

Waunakee:  $250K

It would be nice if school districts had enough 'slop' in their budgets to make up for this without program cuts or prop-tax increases.  But most don't.

Thanks again, Horrible Milwaukee!!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

FBI Worked FOR Biden in '20 Election

There's really no other way to phrase it.  The FBI was actively working to elect Joe Biden during the 2020 Election Fraud.

 ...The FBI learned as early as 2016 that Hunter Biden and his partners were working on a venture involving a $120 million investment from Nykola Zlochevsky, the controversial owner of Burisma Holdings. Documents obtained by Just the News reveal that this information, kept from the public for eight years, was uncovered during an investigation of securities fraud nearly a decade ago....Ace quoting Just the News

Yes, it gets worse.  Flaming Skull worse:

...Then, of course, they lied all through 2019 and 2020 when they staged war games with the media in which they gamed out a scenario in which falsified documents about Hunter Biden were pushed by Russia in a "hack-and-release" operation.

They did that. They prepared the media to reject any documents that got released about Hunter Biden through a "tabletop simulation" at the Aspen Institute. Bill Kristol was a participant.

They told the media in advance that false, fraudulent documents would be "hacked" and released by Russia, even though they had the laptop they knew these documents would be leaked from, and knew they were 100% real, and would not be released by Russia but by Rudy Guiliani and former FBI agents.

That's so incredible I can't believe it-- but that's what they did..

Doesn't Charlie Sykes have his nose buried in Billy Kristol's anus?


It doesn't appear that Trump is going to do the right thing, which would be to zero out the FBI.  Too bad.  The country's debt is so high, and its deficits so serious, that Trump has the perfect excuse.  But we doubt that he's going to make any sort of dent in the deficit, not to mention the debt.

This is where you bend over and kiss your ass goodbye.

Tammy Baldwin's Old Farts Commercial

 Tammy Baldwin (Lesbian-WI) is constantly running a commercial featuring all 5 of her old-fart pals.

We think we know why they made that commercial.  They probably needed the money.

...retired Americans are having to reenter the workforce, as Bidenomics makes retirement unaffordable. That’s Biden’s Build Back Better — or Poorer....

  ...A Motley Fool survey of retired Americans that Fox News covered on June 18 found that 44% of respondents are thinking about looking for work again, as their Social Security benefits have not kept up with spiking inflation. Since January 2021, when Biden took office, prices have gone up 20%, so it’s not surprising that retirees are considering finding a job, but it is an illustration of how the Biden administration is killing the American Dream....

We're acquainted with an old-fart Democrat voter who had a part-time gig for years.  But after the election, he decided he didn't need the money any more, so he quit.

Not for long.  He's back....

MPS' Line of Bee Ess

Obviously, the Milwaukee Public Schools' official line of BS has not changed since it was used to screw City taxpayers out of $250 million a few weeks ago.

"Parents want more art, music, and gym, and smaller class sizes."  That's the line, and they're sticking to it.

No matter what.

There's another part:  'the State doesn't give us enough money.'

Of course!!  You greedy out-state bastards won't give us ALL THE MONEY!!!

MPS--really, the Teachers' Union--would like you to forget a few things:

...To appreciate the impact of fringe benefit costs, consider that in 2004-05 the overall MPS budget grew $27.3 million while fringe benefi t costs grew $45.8 million. In other words, every new dollar of spending plus an additional $18 million were needed to pay for higher fringe benefit costs...

 ...A new report from an independent consultant confirms the basic conclusion that MPS reached years ago, namely, the district’s fringe benefits are “considerably more generous” than in the private sector and among other units of government. As a consequence, cuts in classroom programs have occurred despite a substantial increase in per pupil spending, something verified more than a year ago in an independent report from the Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance (WTA)....

"That's from 2004," screech the Union screechers.  "Remember Act 10?"

We do.  And we remember that MPS did not implement portions of the Act.

Lying.  It's what MPS, its Board, and the Teachers do!!

OMG!! Schimel Caught Speeding!!!

Bice reports that Brad Schimel was caught speeding, an offense so serious that only Federal prison would suffice as punishment.  "Speeding" is also an offense that no newsman propagandist  would ever commit.  Ever.  Never.  Nope.

THEN Schimel had the cunning audacity to tell the cop what Schimel does for a living.  Obviously, he meant to intimidate the cop; that was clearly a death threatRight?? 

We'll grant this:  Schimel should not have been speeding.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Right Order

Celtics head coach displays Right Order:

Vigiliantism, Again--UPDATED

An illegal raped a 13-year-old girl in New York City.  After the police posted pictures, the locals saw him and beat the rape right out of him before NYPD hauled him away.

Vigilantism.  It's what's for summer.

UPDATE:  Ride-Share driver rapes passenger.  Family of passenger beats the rape right out of the driver.

Vigilantism.  It's what's for summer.

Mass Deportation? Yup!!

It's a CBS/YouGov poll, so the results are probably skewed Left-ish.


...According to the survey, 62 percent of registered voters back the deportation of all illegal immigrants currently living illegally in the United States, while just 38 percent oppose their removal....

62% is large.

But here's the real kicker:

 ...53 percent of Hispanic voters indicated their approval of the measure....

Hermanos, my ass.  Get the Hell outta here.

"Souls To the Polls" Is a Biden Front Group

 A Biden propaganda-pusher named Harry Dunn, who retired from the infamous Capitol Police after their murder of Ashli Babbitt, showed up in Milwaukee to make the inane claim that re-electing Trump would bring on 'the end of democracy.'

It's possible that Dunn is so poorly educated that he does not know that the USA is a republic, not a "democracy,"  It's more likely that he knows but prefers to lie.  He's paid very well to do that, after all.

Here's the tell:

...Dunn joined local groups Souls to the Polls, Power to the Polls, and Voces de la Frontera to talk about why they believe democracy is at stake this November election....

...Dunn resigned from the U.S. Capitol police force in 2023. He now works for the Biden campaign at speaking engagements — but was at Monday's roundtable on behalf of Souls to the Polls....

Earlier we mentioned that "Souls to the Polls" is a pay-per-ballot-harvested outfit.  If you had any doubt about that claim, you only have to look at the others in the room at this event.  Birds, feathers, ballot-stuffing, election fraud.


Dunn's traveling partner shows identical confusion over "republic or democracy."  Sadly, the reporter who interviewed these two never bothered to ask why Capitol Police opened the doors to the building and escorted many of the crowd through the place, including to Pelosi's office.  Nor did he ask about the number of FBI and D.C. Police 'plants' in the crowd, some of whom were filmed urging the crowd to rush the building.

He didn't ask because that's not a Narrative that the Presstitutes want out there.

War With Russia? Or Replace Biden? Hmmmmm

It's a truism, although not a perfect one, that Wartime Presidents get re-elected.  So it is in Biden's interest to get into a war with Russia over the Ukraine.  (It's also in the interests of US-based mineral miners, the mil-industrials, and construction companies.)

But that presents a problem for the "Replace Biden" crowd, which, according to rumor, includes Hildebeeste, Obama, Schumer, and Pelosi. 

If Biden finds a way to get into war, he is a Wartime President. Should that above cabal kneecap a Wartime President?

And if they do that, who's his replacement?

Brylcreem of California?


Tony Evers?

Stretchin' Gretchen of Michigan?

If Trump wins, he and Putin will be on the phone pronto and they'll settle that Ukraine hash in a day or so.  That'll give Zelenskiy enough time to pack up his jewelry, cars, and crypto accounts and get the Hell out of town ahead of the lynch mob.

Popcorn time, if it weren't a nuclear war......

Biden "Improves the Economy"--for Pimps

 85,000 "unaccompanied minors" have disappeared after they entered the USA.

Most of them--the ones that aren't dead--are sex-trafficked.

That's how Joe Biden "improves the economy."  For pimps.


Monday, June 17, 2024

"Joe Jobs"??

Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants at a fundraiser in Hollywood:

...“You know, my, my, my son says, you ought to have a, uh, you know, we all have, uh, various short-term descriptions for your jobs, for what you’re accomplished. You should say, ‘Joe jobs,'” Joe Biden said...

Well, yes!  The part-time second- and third-jobs that people are taking because the full-time ones are taken by illegals.

Joe Jobs, indeed.

Like Supercars?

If you like supercars..........perhaps a bit too much........we've found an addition to the Perversity Flag just for you!!

Reality in Politics

Cadged from RenMan (who needs prayers about his upcoming procedure(s))

A.I.? Nope. Not Now, Not Ever

 The Ticker guy goes off on the smarmies who tell you that artificial intelligence is here, including the pleasant dunderhead that Bannon employs.

It's not here now, and never will be.

...There is no such thing.  There never has been and I argue there likely never will be either.  Certainly, there is no evidence we're any closer to it in actuality than we have ever been in the age of computing, which runs back to roughly the 1960s....

Cutting to the chase:

...the fundamental character of how a computer works has not changed since the first calculating machines.  Yes, before transistors and even tubes there were calculating machines but they were all, even when mechanically-based, deterministic devices.  We have found evidence of such devices that, for example, calculated the precise date and time of solar eclipses.  Being deterministic, absolute facts a calculating machine can give you that answer, and it will be correct....

 ...But "intelligence" isn't that.  It is not simply the manifest weight of how many times something is repeated, for example.  You do not need to see a child walk in front of a car and get smushed to know that said child will be killed by the car; the outcome is intuitively obvious to humans yet while we can describe the acceleration or impact that a living body can withstand without being damaged or destroyed we have to teach a machine that this is undesirable and thus to be avoided.

Worse, even after we do that its not enough because the machine cannot accurately infer from other cues in the environment that a child might be present where said kid cannot be seen (e.g. behind the bumper or hood of a vehicle) and might run out into the road.  Yet humans both can and do, every day, make exactly that sort of inference...

That (inference ability) is directly related to the core reason that "AI" will never exist; that is, AI cannot and never will ask "WHY?"   Asking "why" requires one to produce an answer which is not "learned" by repetition in advance.

So if you're paying up for something that "has AI," you've been had.

Don't say we didn't tell you. 

The Bottom Line With Surber

This guy is too much fun!

...Sunday marked the 9th anniversary of Donald Trump entering the presidential race. Upon his entry, his critics licked their chops and rubbed their hands together. They thought they would have fun and make a lot of money destroying him.

Instead, Hillary’s career is in the past tense. The Weekly Standard is no more. National Review is dying. WaPo lost half its readers. CNN hit a 33-year low in viewership. The market for Orange Man Bad books evaporated. No one cares about a spiteful movie about him....

And Charlie Sykes has about 30 followers.  Maybe one of his wives is among them.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Biden's Crime Families

Joe Biden's immediate family does not have a monopoly on crime.  Joe, being a generous guy, invited a few other "families" to join up in the rape, pillage, and transvaluation of all values in America.

Registering Women for Draft IS in the NDAA Senate Version

 These are what passes for Senators in today's US.  As usual, Sundance has the story--which you will NOT hear from your local Presstitutes.

Requiring women to register for Selective Service (ie, the draft) really is a part of the 2025 National Defense Reauthorization Act that has been assembled in the Senate. ... order for this to be in the print version of the Senate bill, the Senate Armed Services Committee had to vote to approve it.  Repeat that sentence if needed.  The Senate Armed Service Committee, meaning every member on that committee, had to support the change to make women register for the draft....

And which cretins are on that Committee?

 ...Rob Wicker (Mississippi), Deb Fischer (Nebraska), Tom Cotton (Arkansas), Mike Rounds (South Dakota), Jodi Ernst (Iowa), Dan Sullivan (Alaska), Kevin Cramer (North Dakota), Rick Scott (Florida), Tommy Tuberville (Alabama), Markwayne Mullin (Oklahoma), Ted Budd (North Carolina) and Eric Schmitt (Missouri)...

Some of them pretend to be Real MenSee, e.g., Cotton, Mullin, Fischer, Ernst, and Tuberville.

The rest?  Detritus in D.C.

The Dictionary of McCain

Nope.  Not the dead jackass.  The alive one, who writes from Georgia.

Here's his dictionary entry for "Aspiring rapper":

North American euphemism for a member of the urban criminal class. This unusual occupation is usually mentioned in conjunction with the subject either being slain or being taken into custody for a violent or property-related crime. A relative of the subject usually points out that the subject’s demise or incarceration comes at an extremely inopportune moment, occurring just as the subject was “turning they(sic) life around.”...

Oh, yes, you've heard that phrase in dozens of TeeeeVeeee reports here in Milwaukee.  And yah--it fits.

'Souls To the Polls' or Money for Voters?

 Vincent Everett Ellison is a thorough historian of the black community and a man raised up right.

And he has the number on "Souls To the Polls" (and Tupac, and Snoop--whom he calls a dope fiend.)  "Souls" is a Democrat racket; black pastors are paid to get out the vote.  Yes, they also get lots of uncritical press coverage in Milwaukee.  Do you think that's coincidence?

If you think that the Communists had a lot to do with the "civil rights" movement, you're correct, by the telling of Ellison.  They also had a lot to do with Martin Luther King, Jr.; his movement had more than a few active Communist Party members near the top.

Tucker spent a couple hours with Ellison.  If you do, you will learn a LOT, and what you learn is not what the Publick Screwels or the Presstitutes tell you.


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Isn't This a Bad Thing?

All this time we thought that "targeting" civilian stuff is a bad thing.  Like--you know--targeting music festivals.  And when did Lebanon become a formal combatant?


The Acerbic Mr. Surber vs. Pubbie Twits

 Don Surber notes this item.

ITEM 15: MAGA Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna tweeted, “I am introducing legislation today to make our foods less toxic. Millions of Americans consume poisonous food dyes and sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup daily. I’m putting an end to that. I urge my colleagues to join me in this VITAL legislation.”

Not a ban on tranny surgery for kids.

Not a ban on government agencies using social media companies to censor conservatives.

Not a ban on the FBI spying on critics.

No, she wants to outlaw Peeps, a snack that make people happy. Maybe she believes MAGA is an acronym for Make America Grumpy Again....

Luna is a typical Republican congress-twit.  Next, she'll intro legislation requiring tire-pressure checks before traveling in your car.  If you can't prove you did them, you'll be fined and incarcerated. 

And she'll talk about "safety."

Crenshaw Cries Himself a River

 The article here is rather polite about Crenshaw, calling him "insufferable."

Actually, Crenshaw is a POS who plays on his Purple Heart and fools a lot of people with it.  Of course, you may want to live without a Fourth Amendment, or without the $100 BILLION++ that Crenshaw sent to Kiev's bureaucrat pensioners and the Marvelous Tropical Island Housing account of the Zelenskiy Governing Racketeers.  If that's the case, then Crenshaw is your man.

Why is Crenshaw's nose out of joint?  Because he didn't get appointed to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI).  

Why is that?  Because Speaker Johnson actually did something right:  he took Trump's advice and appointed Scott Perry (R-PA) to the slot.  Perry is--for the time being--not compromised by the Three-Letter Insubordinates; he may actually do some good on that Committee.

But then, it''s D.C.; they'll make up some story to get him outta there.

Meantime, screw Crenshaw.

More Presstitution

 Think the Presstitutes only attack Trump?

Think again.  They also attack Right Order.