Friday, May 19, 2023

Another Piece of the Nashville Tranny Puzzle

The tranny who killed the children in Nashville had another target:  The Creation.

A teacher in the school wrote this for National Review (quoted at InfoLiber)

...Despite the fact that no one in my family was physically harmed, or perhaps because of it, I decided at first not to write about the massacre. What changed my mind was an unreported detail, confirmed privately by both the police and a church deacon in charge of the physical plant. At some point during her spree, Hale went from the school to the (attached) neo-Gothic cathedral and fired seven bullets into a stained-glass figure of Adam, the first man, according to the Genesis narrative. A writer may try for a while to resist such a symbol, but, as the existence of this article proves, he is unlikely to prevail in the end....

The manifesto is likely to contain a lot of anti-Christian screeds.  It's rumored that the manifesto is largely a copy/paste of transgender materials and writings, but if nothing else, this shooting of Adam tells you about the tranny mind.


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