Thursday, April 06, 2023

Wrinkly Old Ann Coulter vs. Reality

Ann Coulter, a single New York Episcopalian non-mother (read H-I-G-H  E-S-T-A-B-L-I-S-H-M-E-N-T) does not like Donald TrumpAt all.  So she predicts that Trump will lose if he's nominated, AND states that the indictment by "Twinkies" Bragg was a Democrat Party set-up to push Trump into the nomination.

Well....what?  He gets the nomination and the Democrats rejoice?

Yup.  Coulter brings out her dusty old US History books (the ones that still have the Constitution in an appendix) and advises that only ONE person who had lost running for the job ever got it on a second run in recent history, and he was Richard Nixon.

So the setup was to get a sure loser nominated by the Pubbies.


Meantime, in reality-land:

...A new 2024 White House poll shows former President Donald Trump with his biggest lead against President Joe Biden in more than a year. 

A Rasmussen Reports survey released Wednesday gives Trump a seven-point advantage over Biden, with most respondents being surveyed after the ex-president was indicted on Thursday.

In a general election match-up, 47 percent of likely U.S. voters said they'd select Trump, while 40 percent said Biden. ...

There are several elements which play in elections.  One of them is "Who Is The Opponent?"  While Coulter's Waterman-pen-and-watermarked-stationery piece correctly observes that Hillary was the most vile candidate to run in recent history, Coulter overlooks the increasingly-heavy baggage Joe Biden is carrying into '24.  We could start with inflation, continue through his crushing defeat by Putin in the VERY important geopolitics realm which caused the increase in the price of gasoline and diesel which has only just begun this Spring and which threatens the value of the US Dollar, the rapidly-rising influence of Communist China worldwide paired with their obvious purchase of Biden, and finally, the glaringly-obvious Totalitarian bent of the party in power, put into neon-light display by The Indictment.  We could add their worship of the Green goddess, but that's not quite ripe yet.

All that and a run against Bai-Den by Robert F Kennedy, Jr.

It's a long way to '24, of course.  But if Trump begins serious message-discipline, he has a large group of missiles he can launch at Biden without bringing up the Great Election Fraud of '20.  (He can settle that hash when he's back in office.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rasmussen leans heavily GOP with their sample size. Major fail.