Richard Trumka, Jr. is a Bai-Den appointee now running the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
His father was a lawyer and union thug (Mineworkers, AFL-CIO) who got things done the old-fashioned way: threats of violence and (union) election fraud schemes, demonstrating that having a law degree doesn't make one into a moral citizen. (Democrats have lots of election lawyers for exactly that reason.) He delivered the message: Comply. It's the Thug Way.
Trumka Jr. also has a law degree, and perhaps he's a bit smarter than the old man; his thuggery masquerades as "consumer protection." (He doesn't really give a flying fart about "consumers"; he is "protecting" the "environment," consumers be damned.)
His M.O. is to find 'studies' which predict doom or which are--at best--questionable, then act on them as fast as possible. That's how he decided to ban gas stoves. Don't believe the "if/maybe/possibly" crapola in the news story--natural gas usage is the target and your gas stove will be history.
Now he shows up again, this time to make portable generators far more expensive.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) voted unanimously on April 5 to advance a proposal that would enable portable generators to emit less carbon monoxide and shut down the devices automatically if the odorless, potentially toxic gas reaches a certain level.
The rule would “protect unsuspecting consumers from carbon monoxide poisoning associated with portable generators,” noting that it is a “well-documented hazard, responsible for more than 1,300 deaths and 17,000 injuries over the past 18 years,” CPSC Commissioner Mary T. Boyle confirmed (pdf).
“By advancing this rulemaking process, we are taking action aimed squarely at preventing harm and saving lives,” she wrote....
No. They are taking action squarely aimed at petroleum- or natural gas-fired lifesaving devices.
...[Trumka] also appeared to invoke mainstream narratives about climate change, writing that it is his “best guess” that the spikes in carbon monoxide poisonings are “due to the uptick in extreme weather events during which people rely on generators for power.” He did not provide evidence to back up his post....
That's because there IS no evidence.
In reality? Portable gen-sets are flying off the shelves in the USA. Consumers have cash and will buy the devices to protect their families from cold or heat, provide power for in-home medical apparatus, and protect their food supplies during civil emergencies such as hurricanes, tornadoes, or other severe weather (and for protection when utilities fail to deliver power due to Federal "Green Energy" policies.)
The red flag? Right here:
...ProPublica wrote on April 5 that it, the Texas Tribune, and NBC News carried out an investigation into a spate of carbon monoxide poisoning deaths during the winter storm that hit Texas in 2021. At least 19 people died from related poisoning events, while more than 1,400 others were treated in emergency rooms....
NBC? The one who jury-rigged a truck to explode and then claimed it was GM's fault?
Texas Tribune? The one flying the Red Star flag? (Call any Texan outside of Houston, Austin, or Dallas, and ask about that rag.)
Look, people: when there are tens of thousands more gen-sets in use, there WILL be an increase in related problems. But the problems are Operator Error, not gen-set flaws.
If you're going to place your gen-set inside your home or garage, or at an open window with the exhaust pipe of the engine facing into your house, there is not a damn thing God or anyone can do to save your stupid ass.
Trumka knows that.
He doesn't care. He--like all the rest of the Bai-Den thugs, worships and serves the Green Goddess. If you can't afford your life-saving gen-set, too damn bad. If you prefer a gas stove, too damn bad.
You will comply. It's the Thug Way.
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