Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Serious Dirtball VA Records Leak

How serious is it?

I'll just use Ace's headline:

In Wake of the DCCC Illegally Purloining Republican Veterans' Confidential Military Records, The Veteran Administration's Tech Chief Met With the Head of the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee. Who Is Also His Wife.

It's THAT serious.

Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee is run by a woman who is married to the VA's Chief of "Security"--a Biden appointee.

Quoting Kerr's story at the Ace site:

 On Feb. 8, the Air Force informed two Republican political candidates, also military veterans, that their information had been improperly leaked to a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee contractor. That same day, the Department of Veterans Affairs' chief technology officer met to discuss cybersecurity with his wife, the chairwoman of the DCCC.

All strictly accidental, please pardon us, you won't mind having your SocSec number out there, will you?

So sorry. 

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