Saturday, April 08, 2023

Even More UW Funding? NO!!

 Tony Evers has requested a few hundred million capital dollars for the UW system.

There are two reasons that Republicans should zero that out:

1)  The demographics are against it; that is, there are less- and less college-age children every year.  The State won't need all the buildings and grounds we have now, much less more of them.

But here's the important reason:

2)  As Posobiec mentions here, colleges are the principal vehicles for brainwashing by the "progressive" (read:  communist) cult which worships strange gods and works to demolish the family and churches.  Don't think so?  Then think about the kids you know through work, or in your wider social circle, or in your own family, who are now 'college-enlightened.'  Figure it out yourself.

Why the Hell would any Conservative worthy of the name feed the colleges more money?

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